Copacabana and Ipanema – beach queens of Rio De Janeiro
Beaches of Rio de Janeiro is a story for itself. While touching white sands of Copacabana and Ipanema, you truly realize how perfectly set city beach can reach the status of a cult, becoming an icon, and sybolising way of life…
Exotic, intriguing, hedonistic, spectacular Brazil always gained my imagination. I dreamed about cities like Recife, Sao Paulo, Salvador da Bahia, Maceio, but Rio de Janeiro was somehow always on top. I wanted to be transferred, for a moment, to some of its vibrant neighborhoods for a brief stroll, which would usually end on a beach. In addition, every beach in Rio seems like a stage of real life and enjoyment for everyone. You simply need to appreciate those iconic strips of sand, nestled between hills and marvelously shaped rocks. Among numerous famous beaches in Rio de Janeiro, two of them are raised to the level of devotion – Copacabana and Ipanema. Likewise, they are absolute emblems of their wealthy neighborhoods, hiding a bit of history, and loads of anecdotes, while crowds of cheerful visitors enjoy their beauty.

Miraculous hills with Copacabana beach between
Discovering southern districts of Rio de Janeiro, I always prefer to start from its most fashionable part – Ipanema beach. The whole neighborhood is shining with popular movie theatres, bookstores, galleries and jewelry shops. Here, everyone can find their shopping paradise. From Sunday Hippie Fair, as the most famous local market, to fancy Garcia D’Avila Street, with high fashion brands showing their influence. When it comes to beach fashion, then Ipanema becomes a trend setter. Pieces of beachwear, like crocheted G-string for men, or attractive dental-floss bikini for ladies, were born right here, on Ipanema beach. Set between Leblon and Arpoador beaches, Ipanema dominates the area with its 2km of fine softy sand, bars, restaurants and tons of water and beach sports.

Ipanema beach and promenade

Ipanema beach evening stroll
Name Ipanema is an Indian word meaning dangerous ocean waters. Sometimes they really are, but that does not bother locals and tourists to chill out, and enjoy every moment on it. There is no chance to miss the sound of a small ball hitting wooden racquets of two players, passionately enjoying frescobol local game. Ball should not touch the ground, but should be kept in the air with some attractive moves and hits throughout. Ipanema beach is practically divided into numerated posts, based on your affiliation, so choose what you want for that day and go for it.
Always positively strange is Posto 9. Popular alternative and very laid back part of the beach is ideal for artists and bohemian spirit visitors. Posto 8 is just fine for local young generations to hang out, while section of the beach across Farme street, stands as the most popular gay beach. Something very usual and typical here are Barbies – local nickname for top shape muscled guys, strolling this beach section. The only part of the beach to perform caution, due to low safety, is a stretch of sand between Leblon and Ipanema beach. The rest of the neighborhood is easily classified as Rio’s most expensive city block. Last time in Rio, I bought a pair of Ipanema brand of flip flops, and did a long walk down the beach promenade. I heard beautiful, gentle rhythm of a song from mid 1960s. from one of the beach bars. It was famous “Garota de Ipanema” (Girl from Ipanema). What a song to unite unmatched music by Antonio Carlos Jobim, and text written by Vicinius de Moraes, bringing all the beauty of this beach directly to me. Walking towards Arpoador rocky promontory, one can be so impressed with a final view of Ipanema, not being aware, that just around the corner, Copacabana beach is ready to be explored.

Full exotics of Ipanema beach
Just saying “Copacabana”, and our mind promptly turns to another southern district of Rio, thinking of colorful time of the Carnival, sounds of samba, beach sports, and tanned bodies. In addition, even this prime beach location had evolution and history that brought its fame to the top. Copacabana experienced turbulent XVI century, as French, and then Portuguese colony. It was followed by Our Lady of Copacabana Chapel, built in the XVII century, as a reflection of Catholic influence.

Fascinating Rio Carnival costume
Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine Copacabana area, as a tiny, modest, fishing village and it was nothing more than that, during XIX century. In 1908. military outpost Forte Copacabana was built, on the southern tip of the beach. In the past, this fortress protected a district from any attacks from the sea, while today legendary new year fireworks are set along its walls. Glamourous opening of beach front Casino Hotel in 1923., better known as Copacabana Palace, shown the way of transforming this area into the best known city district. Serious step further was made during 1970., with famous Avenida Atlantica project. Creating wide avenue, lined up with modern hotels and apartment buildings, was combined with significant enlargement of the beach. This was planned to protect new properties to be reached by the ocean waves. That is how Copacabana opened its doors for the rich and famous to settle along 4km stretch of white sand, overlooked by busy 6 lane avenue, and row of beach front modern architecture.

Copacabana in all its glory
It seems impossible not to be in love with this Princess of the Sea, how locals usually nicknamed Copacabana neighborhood and the beach. You simply need to feel the energy, created by the Sun, ocean, sand, people and love for life. If you are skilled enough, just join the local carioca way of beach activity by playing beach volleyball or beach soccer. Eventually, try to be brave for a challenge in foot volley, where acrobatic moves and soccer are combined to kick the ball and slam it over the net. Passion and joy is felt in every single part of the beach, while beach vendors sneak through the crowd selling coconuts, bracelets, towels and drinks, contributing to the lively atmosphere.

Vibrant atmosphere on Copacabana beach

Stunning Copacabana with wave pattern sidewalk
After a bit of beach volleyball…

Jonnie and his son enjoying beach volleyball on Copacabana beach
…I always need a short break in one of barrecos – beach bars with an ice cold Brahma, Antartica or Skol Brazilian beer or a glass of refreshing authentic Caipirinha. It’s so relaxing to watch people from around the globe jogging, rollerblading or simply strolling down the side walk with beautiful wave pattern pavement, inspired by the ones from Portugal. If you need even more, Copacabana Palace hotel offers incredible spa treatment using indigenous herbs, that will make you feel a real, local carioca. And if you feel and act like a local, you will have no worries on any safety issues. Take off any type of jewelry, become modest and simple, put on your colorful shorts, beach t-shirt, your flip flops, beach towel, 20-30$ in your pocket and Copacabana is all yours.

Beach bar with Sugar Loaf above

Irresistible Caipirinha cocktail
Who can resist white sand under your feet, sound of Atlantic Ocean waves, with iconic Sugar Loaf rock in the distance? Sunsets are special story on Copacabana beach, followed by night lights, making this area pretty vibrant, with a pinch of decadence. Carnival days in February bring special magic of “the biggest show on Earth” to Copacabana, while spectacular New Year’s Eve gathers close to two million people. Unique, lifetime performance of happiness, joy, music, friendship and love is always crowned with world’s most famous fireworks. What a nice tribute to Copacabana and Ipanema!

Wave washed Ipanema beach
Sometimes, we think beaches are not able to tell longer story, but just need to be visited, admired and enjoyed. In case of Ipanema and Copacabana, beaches turn into the heart of life in Rio de Janeiro, naturally shaped wonders with human creations in the background. They became an integral part of everyday life, like enormous living rooms of Rio, where everybody can be what they really are, where nature embraces mankind and vice versa in a spectacular celebration of life and happiness. Exotic destinations always keep changing our perspective on man to nature eternal relationship.

Panoramic view of Sugar Loaf rock and beaches around
Travel Authentic. Live Inspired.
Notice: article images are made by Jonnie World Walker team.
Ready to explore more?
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To feel at least a part of Ipanema or Copacabana atmosphere, you simply need a glass of ice cold, tempting and always refreshing Caipirinha cocktail. This simple signature drink of Brazil will make you cheerful in just a few glasses…This video will teach you how to prepare it at home..Enjoy…